Sunday Dec 21, 2014
Kathleen Fitzgerald - 12.21.14
Sunday Dec 21, 2014
Sunday Dec 21, 2014
Kathleen Fitzgerald is the African Wildlife Foundation Vice President for Conservation Strategy, Nairobi, Kenya. www.awf.org. She has 22 years' experience directing landscape-scale conservation and community engagement. Prior to overseeing AWF's conservation strategy, Kathleen led AWF's land program helping to advance AWF's land conservation projects across Africa, including establishing community conservancies, developing carbon mitigation projects, securing wildlife corridors, and helping to improve management of protected areas and community lands. Prior to moving to Africa seven years ago, Kathleen facilitated dozens of land transactions to establish conservation areas, and co-founded a regional wilderness land trust. Kathleen holds a Master of Science in Botany from the Field Naturalist Program at the University of Vermont and completed her final research on wolves in Canada, and has an Undergraduate Degree in Environmental Studies and Government.