
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Resistance Radio - Guest: Four Arrows
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Four Arrows (Wahinkpe Topa), whose Anglo name is Donald Trent Jacobs, is a professor at Fielding Graduate University and formerly the Dean of Education at Oglala Lakota College on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. He was selected by the Alternative Education Resource Organization as one of 27 visionaries in education, he received the Martin-Springer Institute Moral Courage Award for his Indigenous-based activism, and was involved in creating first the Marine No Take Zone on Pacific Coast of Mexico. He is an American Indian activist and author of 21 books and numerous articles and chapters about Indigenous worldview applications to contemporary world issues. His most recent book is Sitting Bull's Words for a World in Crises. In it he shows readers how to use the "CAT-FAWN connection" to move from dominant to Indigenous ways of understanding our place in the world, a technique Dr. Michael Fisher refers to as a "dehypnotizing technology" in his biography entitled Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows* which was published recently.