Monday May 01, 2023
Resistance Radio - Interview of Joshua Wright
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Joshua Wright dropped out of high school to become an activist when he was 14 years old. He’s a Forest Defender based out of Washington state and has just released his film “Eden’s Last Chance,” which documents his journey into radical radical environmentalism.”
LC A Conversation with the Creator of the Bio-Scalar EESystem Technolgy with Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, DNM, PhD, DCSJ
A Conversation with the Creator of the Bio-Scalar EESystem Technology with Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, DNM, PhD, DCSJ
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Resistance Radio - Interview of Deena Metzger
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Deena Metzger. a writer and feminist and ecological thinker has published over 19 books, and has been teaching writing for over fifty years. La Negra y Blanca won the Oakland PEN Literature Award. Her penultimate novel, A Rain of Night Birds, focuses on two climatologist, one Native, who confront what they know and what they learn from the land and the cosmos.And earlier novel, The novel, The Other Hand, is an epistolary novel addressed to Cardinal Lustiger, by the protagonist, a cosmologist, who states that the Holocaust and the Bomb are the two Koans of the Twentieth Century. In La Vieja: A Journal of Fire, her latest novel, La Vieja takes up residence in a fire lookout in the Sierras, watching for fires and crossing the borders between time and space, human and animal. She originated the genre, the Literature of Restoration, to promote spirit based, earth-based writing free of the seeds of extinction and climate collapse. She lives at the end of the road in the Santa Monica mountains, with Coyote, Bobcat, Mountain Lion, Squirrel, Owl, Raven and more on land she and the community have designated as a sanctuary for all beings, and regularly meets with African Elephants in the wild. deenametzger.net.
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Resistance Radio - Interview of Michael Kellett
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Michael Kellett is executive director of the New England nonprofit organization, RESTORE: The North Woods, which he co-founded in 1992. He has been involved in national park, wilderness, public land, and endangered species issues for more than 30 years. In 1994, he developed the proposal for a 3.2-million-acre Maine Woods National Park, which laid the groundwork for the 2016 designation by President Obama of Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. In Massachusetts, he has worked to protect Walden Woods and Henry David Thoreau’s birthplace, and helped to develop legislation introduced in 2019, which would protect state conservation lands from logging and other development
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Resistance Radio - Interview of Rebecca Wildbear
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Rebecca Wildbear, MS, E-RYT 500, is the author of Wild Yoga: A Practice of Initiation, Veneration, & Advocacy for the Earth. She is the creator of a yoga practice called Wild Yoga, which empowers individuals to tune in to the mysteries that live within the earth community, dreams, and their wild nature so they can live a life of creative service. She has been leading Wild Yoga programs since 2007 and also guides other nature and soul programs through Animas Valley Institute. Visit her online at www.rebeccawildbear.com.
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Resistance Radio - Interview of Richard Halsey
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Richard W. Halsey loves sharing the magic of Nature, especially when it comes to chaparral, California's most extensive native plant community. He started teaching natural history as a 16-year-old volunteer naturalist at the El Dorado Nature Center in Long Beach, California, enjoyed learning about biology and anthropology in college, then taught high school biology, chemistry, and physics for two decades, leading his students on dozens of wilderness experiences to discover the preciousness of life. Since founding and directing the California Chaparral Institute in 2004, Richard has written a handful of research papers, a couple books, a fair number of editorials, and has given hundreds of presentations, all concerning chaparral ecology and the importance of reestablishing our connection with Nature
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Resistance Radio - Interview of Joan Maloof
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Joan Maloof, Ph.D., works to educate others regarding the extent and condition of our forests, and to encourage their preservation. She founded an organization with the goal of creating a network of protected forests across the US; that organization, the Old-Growth Forest Network, now has thousands of supporters and over 185 forests in 32 states ( www.OldGrowthForest.net). Maloof is a professor emeritus at Salisbury University where she taught Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies. She is the author of numerous research articles and five books. Her new book is Nature’s Temples: A Natural History of Old Growth Forests.
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Resistance Radio - Interview of Chris Matera
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Chris Matera is a civil engineer, and the founder of Massachusetts Forest Watch, which works to protect forests everywhere, but with a greater focus on protecting Northeastern Public Forests From Logging.
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Resistance Radio - Interview of Paul Webb
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Paul Webb began his career at a famous zoo that specialised in captive breeding programs for rare species. After eight years left with the conviction that captive breeding has no role to play in the conservation of species or habitat. Worked for the ruling family of a Gulf State for many years, turning half the country into a wildlife reserve, and looking after the largest herd of Arabian Oryx in the world, which was by then extinct in the wild. Organised and funded numerous projects all over the world to preserve the rare flora and fauna and participated in field work to secure the habitat of numerous species. Under the name AP Wolf produced a book on the wildlife and environment of the region for the ruling family. Spent four years in the remote and forbidden zones of the southern Maldives writing and producing a book on the environment for the President's Office of the Maldives. Now a full-time writer and researcher specialising in the conservation of habitat and wildlife, having recently published my latest work 'The Second Level of Extinction - Wildlife, Conservation and the Myth of Captive Breeding in Zoos.'
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Resistance Radio - Interview of George Wuerthner
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
George Wuerthner is the former Ecological Projects Director for the Foundation for Deep Ecology. Currently he is the executive director of Public Lands Media. He is an ecologist and wildlands activist. He has published 38 books on environmental issues and natural history including such environmentally focused books as Welfare Ranching, Wildfire, Thrillcraft, Energy and most recently Protecting the Wild.
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Resistance Radio - Interview of Sarah Bowen
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Sarah Bowen is an animal chaplain and a co-founder of Compassion Consortium the first interfaith, interspiritual, and interspecies community for people who care about and advocate for animals and the planet where she leads the Animal Chaplaincy Training program. She companions animals through death, creates sacred memorial rituals, counsels humans grieving animal loss, and advocates for exploited and endangered species in both religious and secular contexts. Sarah is a columnist on animal/human relationships for Spirituality & Health magazine, and her work has been featured at the United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week and the Compassion Arts Festival, as well as in a wide range of spirituality media. Her latest book is Sacred Sendoffs from Monkfish Publishing.